Specifying State Names
Select the Open icon of the Palette. Double click on the node
called "2mag". The Node Prior-Info. window opens, showing information
about node 2mag . The node whose name appears in red is called
the focus node of the Node Prior-Info. window. You may
change the focus node by either of 3 methods:
Clicking on the First and Next buttons located to the right
of the red name.
Selecting a different node from the popup menu that is located to the right
of the red name.
Double clicking on the node's icon in the Main Window. (When the Palette
is closed, this always works. But when the Palette is open, you must
first select the Open tool of the Palette before double clicking
the node.)
Choose root to be the focus node. Click on the Number Of
Rows... button. Insert 3 for the number of rows and press OK.
In the box labeled Amplitudes, in the column labeled State, change the 3
current state names from x to: (0,0), (0,1) and (1,0).
Repeat the last step, but this time for node 1mag . Give it 3
states called (0,0), (0,1) and (1,0).
Repeat the last step, but this time for node 2mag . Give it 3
states called (0,0), (0,1) and (1,0).
Repeat the last step, but this time for node nz+ . Give it 2
states called 0 and 1.
Repeat the last step, but this time for node nz- . Give it 2
states called 0 and 1.
Repeat the last step, but this time for node nu+ . Give it 2
states called 0 and 1.
Repeat the last step, but this time for node nu- . Give it 2
states called 0 and 1.
[Table Of Contents]