Mini-FAQ for first time Quantum Fog users
The Select, Drag and Open cursors work separately. That's very annoying.
Why didn't you merge them together, as is customary? If you close the
Palette, you will get an arrow cursor that combines the functions Select,
Drag and Open. It's only when the Palette is open that you get a separate
cursor for each. I designed Quantum Fog this way because I thought it would
be nice to give users both options.
Quantum Fog quits when I try to open one of the example files. What now?
If you try to open an example file that is still in the dmg, the app
will quit. If you copy the example file to your hard disk, and try to open
it from there, the file will open without a hitch.
I double clicked on the app, and all I got was a blank window and a palette.
Is Quantum Fog just a tool for drawing networks? No. There is much more
to it. You can "open" each node. When you open a node, you get a window into
which you can enter a transition matrix (a matrix of complex amplitudes)
for that node. Once each node has a transition matrix, Quantum Fog can calculate
probabilities and display Feynman Paths for the network. The dmg package
that you download includes a Manual, in html format. The first part of the
manual is a quick tutorial. If you do the tutorial, all this will become
crystal clear.
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